Deception Technology: A New (or Old) Approach to Cybersecurity

In the world of cybersecurity, the race to stay ahead of cybercriminals is never-ending. As attackers become more sophisticated and relentless in their efforts to breach networks and steal sensitive data, businesses and organizations must find new ways to protect themselves from harm. One approach that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of deception technology, which is essentially a proactive approach to cybersecurity that involves setting up fake assets within a network and putting bait on managed assets. With that you are able to lure in attackers and gather intelligence about their tactics, techniques, and procedures.

Deception technology can take many forms. So, what exactly is deception technology, and how does it work? Deception technology involves creating fake assets within a network, such as servers, databases, devices, or any other type of system or resource that an attacker might be interested in accessing. These fake assets are designed to appear as legitimate, but are actually isolated from the rest of the network and monitored in order to gather information about the attackers.

Deception technology has been around for some time, but it has gained renewed interest in recent years as a proactive approach to cybersecurity. When deployed and managed correctly, it can help organizations stay ahead of cybercriminals and protect themselves from harm. As such, it is important for organizations to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of deception technology, and to deploy it as part of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

At TrapTech, our mission is to make the world a safer place by providing technology that can detect, delay, and disrupt adversaries.

Honeypots: A Powerful Tool for Detecting and Defending Against Cyber Attacks

In the constantly evolving world of cybersecurity, it’s important for businesses and organizations to stay ahead of cybercriminals and protect themselves from harm. One tool that has proven effective in this effort is the honeypot, which is a fake network or system that is designed to appear as a real target, but is actually isolated and monitored.

So, what exactly is a honeypot, and how does it work? A honeypot is essentially a fake network or system that is set up to look like a real target, but is actually isolated and monitored. When an attacker targets the honeypot, they are unknowingly entering a controlled environment where their actions can be tracked and recorded. This allows the organization to gather intelligence about the attacker’s tactics, techniques, and procedures, which can help them stay ahead of future attacks and protect themselves from harm.

At TrapTech we are creating honeypots designed to closely mimic real systems and are typically used to track and identify attackers.

Baits: The Art of Luring Cybercriminals into a Trap

As cybercriminals become increasingly sophisticated and relentless in their efforts to breach networks and steal sensitive data, businesses and organizations must find new ways to stay ahead of the game and protect themselves from harm. One technique that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of baits, which are essentially fake credentials, links, or other sensitive documents that are designed to lure in cybercriminals and gather intelligence about their tactics and techniques.

So, what exactly are baits, and how do they work? The use of baits can be a powerful tool in the fight against cybercrime, as it allows organizations to proactively stay one step ahead of their tactics during the reconnaissance phase of attack. For example, a bait could be a configuration file with credentials that appears to contain sensitive data, but is actually programmed to point the attacker to a honeypot.

At TrapTech we are creating unique baits for every managed workstation and server. In case of use discovered data from bait we inform you which device is compromised by the attacker.

How does Honeypot work?

Honeypot is a decoy for a cybercriminal to get into our network, and it can get into the internal network in many ways:

  • A social engineering attack leading to an employee running malware on a station,
  • Breaking wireless network security or breaking physical security and plugging a malicious device into a network socket,
  • An ‘inside job’ type of attacker, or an employee with hostile intentions,
  • Systems accessible from the Internet to customers, partners and employees for which a ‘zero-day exploit’ will be published,
  • Still other systems accessible from the Internet that have numerous security flaws (where vendors overemphasize the security of their products, and there are no effective cybersecurity certification systems on the market),
  • Recent popular attacks on the supply chain, where you get a ‘Trojan horse’ along with a new version of software,
  • And so it goes on, because as technology evolves, new attack vectors emerge, which cybercriminals efficiently and quickly exploit.

With a deliberate attack targeting an organization, the easiest way is a social engineering attack, because the human being is always the weakest link here. It’s hard to equally raise everyone’s awareness of the risks, prudent behavior, duty to protect information and knowledge of the organization’s existing processes related to a security incident.

Speaking of Honeypot in an organization’s network infrastructure, fake resources are created that appear valuable from the attacker’s point of view. An attacker searching the network is directed to these resources through a series of decoys. Features that a good Honeypot should have:

  • The trap scenario is valuable enough for its trail to be followed by an attacker,
  • It is easy for the attacker to find (low hanging fruit),
  • It must not turn out to be a false resource too quickly, the scenario must be advanced enough,
  • Connecting to it must not generate false alarms.

Security incidents should be handled around the clock through a dedicated team. Solutions that actively protect against attackers generate events on a continuous basis – often irrelevant to the specifics of the organization – and even more often false. The advantages that come with launching a Honeypot solution in a company:

  • Generate unambiguous security incidents when an attacker is detected who has begun reconnaissance within the organization (i.e., reconnaissance within the IT infrastructure),
  • Despite the threats, you maintain business continuity of critical business systems – the attacker penetrates non-essential resources for the organization,
  • Reducing the potentially negative impact of a cyber attack – additional time is used to handle a cyber security incident,
  • Simplicity of the solution – the ability to benefit from an additional layer of protection for the organization without having to work with hard-to-reach cyber security specialists,
  • Raising the level of cyber security due to surrounding legal and organizational requirements.

And in addition, when you choose a Honeypot solution from TrapTech, you gain:

  • Plug and Forget – keeping administrative work to a minimum once the TrapTech solution is implemented,
  • The possibility of notification with the help of additional communication channels, e.g. SMS,
  • Marketplace – the aggregated experience of a society of cybersecurity professionals co-creating pitfalls,
  • Ability to create custom traps based on the standard provided.

When creating an analysis with regard to benefits, let’s weigh what will happen when we fall victim to a cyberattack and the presence of a hacker on our network without our knowledge:

  • Theft of confidential data, entire databases, unauthorized modification and even destruction,
  • Disruption of business continuity which results in unforeseen downtime and translates directly into financial losses,
  • The loss of the brand and significant damage to the earned reputation leading to customers fleeing to competitors,
  • Financial penalties imposed by authorities, contractual penalties and blackmail by attackers.

In summary, by implementing Honeypot in your organization you will lower the negative effects of a cyber attack. The attacker getting inside the organization begins operations by conducting reconnaissance. The traps set must have a number of subsequent intentional security flaws which will further stop the attacker. And you as an administrator will gain valuable time to defend yourself.

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